Tony Blair hinted there are secret probes into alien life, claims Jimmy Carr
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Jimmy Carr says Tony Blair hinted there are secret probes into alien life – and even prime ministers are kept in the dark about them.
The comic and host of Eight Out Of Ten Cats collared the former premier at a party to ask him about UFOs. Oddly, the pair were also in conversation with telly cook and failed restaurant owner Jamie Oliver.
Carr said: “We’re sort of quite drunk, a bit giddy and excited, and Tony Blair was in the corner of the room. We went, ‘We should go and ask him something.’ I was like, ‘I don’t know, what are we going to ask him?’ We sort of concocted the plan, ‘Why don’t we go and ask him if there’s aliens.’”
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Carr went on: “Jamie chips in and goes, ‘Are there aliens?’ And [Blair] gave like a really good, sort of really good political answer – and he goes, ‘It’s a need-to-know basis. I would be told if I needed to know.’
He said Blair added: “If I don’t need to know then they don’t tell me.”. But Carr reckons little green men might be an improvement on human politicians.
He said: “The state of the world and what’s going on, maybe alien overlords are not such a bad idea." The comments are not Blair's first when it comes to aliens, because in 1998 he was brief on UFO files held by the UK Government.
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According to Ministry of Defence documents released in 2012, he was urged to “consider making available for public scrutiny all of the many and varied UFO reports compiled by the government”. According to a BBC report from that time, the MoD documents claimed that there was a spate of sightings in west Wales in 1977 which included a hotel owner reportedly seeing two tall, silver-suited "faceless humanoids" which began making measurements.
Another sighting was also reported in sighting in Spalding, Lincolnshire, which led to the witness being visited by three tall men in black suits who "seemed to move silently".
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